What is the Greens’ role in a world increasingly defined by crisis?

How can we turn despair into action while billionaires and corporations capture our democracy and the media?

The planet is warming. 

Genocide against Palestinians continues without challenge from our leaders.

The gap between the wealthy few and everyone else has never been more stark.

But across the world a movement for change is building — and the Greens must be part of that change.

Join us at this year’s annual Conference of important ideas.

Our conference will host a diverse range of panellists who will help us interrogate how the Greens can make a difference and encourage you to join in thought-provoking discussions about what comes next.

Are we up for the challenge? What is your place in that challenge?

  • Some topics include:
  • Stopping the war on women
  • Freeing Palestine
  • Climate crisis
  • Unionism for the future
  • Housing, planning and Green Urbanism 

Reboot is a hybrid event - if you are attending in person use this link to register

This event is fully wheelchair accessible. Automatic entry door, level access entrance at Mount Vernon and Lodge Streets entrances, lift. Click here for more accessibility information.

Bookings for paid events and donations are tax-deductible.

Please be aware that The Greens NSW is required under the NSW Electoral Funding Act 2018 to match all contributions and payments to individuals on the electoral roll. To make this possible, we ask for your name and address as listed on the electoral roll.

If you are under 18 years of age, please ask your parent or guardian to purchase the ticket in their name. The Greens NSW are prohibited from accepting donations or payments from under 18s. If you are under 18, your parent or guardian will also need to contact the event organiser directly to let them know there will be someone under 18 attending.

If you are wanting to purchase a paid ticket and you are not on the electoral roll please email  donationscheck@nsw.greens.org.au. We will provide you with details of what identification documentation is needed to allow you donate and support The Greens NSW and the Greens NSW election campaigns. You can find  prohibited and foreign donor definitions here. Note these have recently been changed.

Event Details

Date & Time

Jul 6th, 2024 09:30 AM through to
Jul 7th, 2024 05:00 PM


NSW Online via Zoom



Thank you for registering for this event. Please be aware that The Greens NSW is required under the NSW and Commonwealth Electoral Funding Acts to match all contributions and payments to individuals on the electoral roll. To make this possible we ask for your name and address as it is listed on the electoral roll.

Register here
Your first name as it appears on the electoral roll
Your preferred first name if different to your name on the electoral roll (optional)
Your last name as it appears on the electoral roll
Please enter your address as it appears on the electoral roll. If you are not enrolled to vote please enter your street address below.
You can find prohibited and foreign donor definitions here. Note these have recently been changed.

If you are wanting to purchase a paid ticket and you are not on the electoral roll please email donationscheck@nsw.greens.org.au. We will provide you with details of what identification documentation is needed to allow you donate and support The Greens NSW .

If you have any accessibility requirements you can provide them below.
Providing your pronoun is optional.
Event Fee(s)
Enter the number of each type of ticket you would like to purchase below (Eg Two Day Standard Tickets 2, Two Day Concession Tickets 0, Two Day Keen Green Tickets 1, Two Day Pay It Forward Tickets 1, One Day Standard Tickets 1, One Day Concession Tickets Concession 1). By choosing to Pay It Forward, you're purchasing a ticket that can be allocated to somebody else who might otherwise be unable to attend.
Under 18s: please ask your parent or guardian to register and pay for your ticket(s) using their name and details and contact the event organiser directly.
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address
Please select your pronoun or select other and enter your pronoun if not shown