Your Greens councillors and candidates want to hear from you
Randwick Greens, Waverely Greens and Woollahra Greens want you to share your vision for your Eastern suburbs.
The Greens achieve big things in local government. From driving real action on climate change and the environment, to conserving heritage, fighting for community spaces and much more, Greens on council work to shape communities for people.
Local council elections are coming up in September. Now's the time to think about what we can achieve for the community with more Greens on council.
And now's the time to get involved to make that happen. Register today!
Who: All community members, Greens members and supporters in the Eastern suburbs
When: 10:30am - 12:00pm, Saturday 15 May
Where: Centennial Park near Paddington Gates entrance (corner of Oxford St and Lang Rd - see map below)
Greens on council stand up for the future of our communities
Get in touch!
Randwick Greens Facebook | Waverley Greens Facebook | Woollahra Greens Facebook
15th May, 2021 10:30 AM
12:00 PM
near Paddington Gates entrance (cnr Oxford St and Lang Rd)
Centennial Park
Centennial Park