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We want you to become a member and join us in the fight for a better world today!

By becoming a member you’ll join a network of tens of thousands of likeminded people across Australia. We are driving the national agenda towards greater equality. We are at the forefront of the climate movement and the most important social justice campaigns of our time.

As a Greens member, you'll be able to:

  • Shape our policies, shape our future 
  • Join working groups and committees tackling important issues 
  • Collaborate with your local and state Greens representatives 
  • Rev up your skills with our world-class online training on political theory, campaigning, and organising 
  • Vote in internal elections 
  • Be at the forefront of climate action and social justice campaigns

Most importantly, you’ll be able to say that you were part of the movement for a more compassionate society and a sustainable world. Please join us today!

By submitting this form, you agree to the following declaration:

"I am not a member of another political party and will not join another political party while I am a member of The Greens. I agree to abide by the Charter and Constitution of the Australian Greens, the Constitution of the NSW Greens, and the Constitution or other charter of The Greens local group in my area.  I acknowledge that my membership may be subject to approval by the local Greens group in my area."

As membership requires the person joining or renewing to agree to the membership declaration, memberships cannot be gifted to another person or be paid on behalf of another person without them having agreed to the membership declaration. This form securely accepts Visa or MasterCard, Credit or Debit cards, using eWAY or Paypal.

Membership fees and donations to political parties are tax deductible up to $1,500 in any tax year.

Anyone applying for membership or donating to the party must either be matched to electoral roll, or complete a form that must be approved by the NSW Electoral Commission before we can accept the membership fee payment or donation. If you are not currently on the electoral roll and are not a foreign donor who wants to join please email so we can send you the form to complete before applying for membership. The Greens have successfully campaigned for this legislation in NSW, preventing political donations being made by unidentified individuals.

NSW Membership Levels

If you already have a membership, please use the Renewal form.


If you are not currently on the electoral roll, please contact so we can send you the identification check form to complete before applying for membership.

Membership of the Greens NSW requires you to agree to the membership declaration. Therefore memberships cannot be gifted to another person or be paid on behalf on another person without the person having agreed to the membership declaration.

If you would like to automatically renew your membership each year, please select the "pay now by card" option as the PayPal option does not allow us to line up the renewal date with the Greens NSW membership year starting on 1 July.

The Greens NSW offers special memberships to young people and First Nations People.

I am Under 25 Years

I am a First Nations Person

Please select the appropriate membership category.

Total Amount
Personal details
NSW - Membership Details - New
If you are not currently on the electoral roll, please contact so we can send you the identification check form to complete before applying to join or renewing your membership.

Membership of the Greens NSW requires you to agree to the membership declaration. Therefore memberships cannot be gifted to another person or be paid on behalf on another person without the person having agreed to the membership declaration.

If you would like to automatically renew your membership each year, please select the "pay now with card" option as the PayPal option does not allow us to line up the renewal date with the Greens NSW membership year starting on 1 July.
Your first name as it appears on the electoral roll
Your last name as it appears on the electoral roll
Your preferred first name, if different to first name on the electoral roll
Date of Birth
Format = dd/mm/yyyy, For month and day the 0 prefix is optional
We'll send your receipt to this address - check carefully for any errors

Please provide your postal address below.
If your street address or the address you are enrolled to vote at is different to your postal address, please tick the ‘I have a different residential address box’ so your membership fees can be matched to the electoral roll. This is required under the NSW legislation and something the Greens successfully campaigned for to prevent political donations being made by unidentified individuals.
Please enter your street address below if your street address is different to your postal address. This should be the same as the address at which you're enrolled to vote and is used to determine which NSW Greens' local group that you belong to.
If you are under the age of 31, it is open for you to get involved in the NSW Young Greens.
NSW - Further Membership Information
You can find prohibited and foreign donor definitions here. Note these have recently been changed.

If you are not on the electoral roll, please email We will provide you with details of what identification documentation is needed to allow you donate and support The Greens NSW and/or pay your membership fees.

By submitting this form, you agree to the following declaration: "I am not a member of another political party and will not join another political party while I am a member of The Greens. I agree to abide by the Charter and Constitution of the Australian Greens, the Constitution of the NSW Greens, and the Constitution or other charter of The Greens local group in my area.  I acknowledge that my membership may be subject to approval by the local Greens group in my area."

Please choose which payment method you prefer. We will then transfer you to our payment partner for processing.