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Action in your community and wider political system starts with people like you. 

The Greens are working for a more inclusive and prosperous future for all of us…  and we don't accept corporate donations! Your donation to the Greens NSW campaign for Byron Council will help us create change.

Your donation will support our campaign to put local communities first and get more Greens on councils in the local government elections in the next local government elections.

Local governments play a vital role in standing up to developers, strengthening local communities and protecting the natural environment.   

Thank you - your donation will make a difference today.




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NSW Donations - EFA Compliant
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Please enter your name as it appears on the electoral roll.
Please enter your address as it appears on the electoral roll. If you are not enrolled to vote please enter your street address below.
You can find prohibited and foreign donor definitions here. Note these have recently been changed.

If you are not on the electoral roll, please email We will provide you with details of what identification documentation is needed to allow you donate and support The Greens NSW.

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