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We need your help to secure the balance of power in NSW parliament.

Tens of thousands of people travel on Parramatta Rd each day on their way to work.

By locking in our billboard, everyone will know: The Greens will end coal and gas by 2030.

Unlike Liberal and Labor, The Greens don't take corporate donations, including from the fossil fuel industry.

Thank you - your donation will let us reach every voter on Parramatta Rd between now and election day.

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Personal details
NSW Donations - EFA Compliant
Your preferred first name if different to your name on the electoral roll (optional)
Please enter your name as it appears on the electoral roll.
Please enter your address as it appears on the electoral roll. If you are not enrolled to vote please enter your street address below.
You can find prohibited and foreign donor definitions here. Note these have recently been changed.

If you are not on the electoral roll, please email We will provide you with details of what identification documentation is needed to allow you donate and support The Greens NSW.

Payment details
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address