We are on the verge of making history.
This federal election, we could elect a second NSW Greens Senator for the first time ever. And there’s no question that a big change is what this country needs.
The last two years have thrown us challenge after challenge. Through it all, one thing is clear: whether we’re talking about bushfires and floods, the housing crisis or a COVID-19 response, the Morrison government is simply not up to the task of keeping us safe.
That’s why The Greens are doing everything we can to win our second Senate seat. This is a victory that could shift the balance of power in the Senate and provide us the ability to take real action against climate change, make billionaires pay their fair share, investigate the sexual abuses, assaults and cover-ups in our highest offices, and chart a road out of the Pandemic.
We are so close to seeing a fundamental shift in the way the country is run, and your voice and support are more critical than ever.
Support our campaign to elect David Shoebridge as the second Greens Senator for NSW.
Thank you - your donation will make a difference in our fight for the future.